Saturday, 2 May 2015

May 2 2015

Wow time has 'flown' since writing my last entry.  I wish I could have kept up with this journal, not only for those who have the time to follow, but for myself as well. The summation of everything that happened in the year 2014 made it easily the best year of my life.
     - Spent part of January and February touring Toronto and Montreal; narrowly caught my flight back home to Winnipeg in a dash through the CYUL airport.
     - Finishing off February I completed my multi-engine training with Harv's Air on their Piper Seminole aircraft.
     - In the month of March I worked towards finishing the hours for my commercial licensing and bought a shiny red 2001 Toyota Corolla.
     - In April, I purchased a new bicycle and completed applications for the RCMP, eventually to be deferred for things such as speeding within the previous two years.
     - By the end of May, I had started working at the Assiniboine Park as security and had temporary lived at a friend's place on the Wellington Crescent as she listed it for sale. Gorgeous apartment; life felt like it was too good to be true.  When the apartment sold, I split rent with Amy on Lyndale Ave, south of downtown in one of the most convenient places I could dream up.
     - June was spent achieving my floatplane license with Interlake Aviation, and driving out to Sioux Narrows to assist my parents with the construction of their sleeper cabin. Working at the park was a dream; I was paid to walk through beautifully curated gardens each day and supervise the zoo.  The only people we had to ask to exit the park were two naked women in the trees doing a photo shoot.  My mentoring program with a 9 year old boy named Aiden also started in June.  Very busy times.
     - Throughout the month of July, I did a lot of flying.  Over the Winnipeg forks during fireworks, landing the floatplane in the river running through Silver Falls, and to the motocross races in Altona to name a few of the trips. The biggest excitement came when I was studying my flying notes on a beautiful day indoors watching an aircraft fly high overhead. I was getting lost in my thoughts when Nav Canada called me from Ottawa offering me a training position for the next class. After shaking a slight state of shock I accepted the offer to start in October.
     - August, my car was broken into and my aviation equipment was stolen, later to be recovered by a homeless man in the area.  I assisted in a real fireworks show which was amazing!  I attended two musicals, and both were amazing!
     - To summarize September, my dad and I went for a flight in the floatplane to land in the Red River, worked security at a Blue Rodeo concert in the Assiniboine Park, and in the same month quit the position to make time for the flight services course.  Prior to class starting, Ryan and I did a 9 day trip through western Canada and hiked 3 different mountain treks, spending a few nights under the stars.  Saw the Godsmack concert in Winnipeg and started the basic training with Nav Canada.
     - November, December, January, and February were swept up quickly with studying and memorizing information for the FSS course.  Christmas was spent at my aunt and uncle's in St. Andrews, after taking Uncle Rick for his first flight in his life.  New years eve was spent at Jessica's cabin in West Hawk, and I thought It would be so nice to live in an area like this.  Sure enough, Nav Canada sends Richard and I to Sioux Lookout Ontario, which is in the heart of lake country.

Skipping a few months to the more present time, all of March and half of April was spent living in the Best Western hotel in town before residing in a rental house.  April flew by with adventures in the area and working 12 hour shifts.  Every two - three weeks I have some time to drive home and gather supplies to bring up for my next stint.  The house is comfortable and everything is great here in Sioux Lookout.  Leah came up for a five day visit last week, which felt like it went by too quickly.  We explored the Thunder Lake mountain-biking trails and climbed up to the top of Sioux Mountain.  From here forwards I will try to keep a review of each month short and a few photos to recap the great life out here.  Near the end of July, Nav Canada will tell me if I am certified to work at the station without supervision.  I really love this job so I hope everything works out.  Until next time, prosperity and good fortune to all.